Blast From the Past by Springie
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Blast from the Past- 27

"Sis...SIS! Are you there, Sis?" Jinpei shook his head and frowned as he looked at his communicator. "Geez, you'd think Dr. Nambu would have better communication with all his scientific knowledge. All I'm getting is static! The signal is scrambled like before! I'm gonna call Hakase and give him a piece of my mind!"

The Swallow pressed another button on his bracelet to call Dr. Nambu. This time the transmitter worked.

"Jinpei! There you are! We've been worried about you and Neil! Are you alright?" The Doctor's tone was a mixture of fatherly reprimand and concern.

"Yes, Hakase, Neil's parents were fakes. They were Galactor agents sent to finish him off! But ‘Jinpei the Great' took care of them!" The little bird puffed his chest out with pride. "Do you know where Sis went? The J was shut down when we got here..."

Nambu interrupted. "Ken and the others went to BC Island to rescue you two. They thought you'd be in Katse's hands by now."

Neil's eyes grew wide with alarm. "Oh no! That's the worst place they could be right now! BC Island is probably on high alert now that so many prisoners have escaped."

"So that's why I couldn't reach Onechan! Galactor must be blocking the transmission! We gotta get them out of there!" Jinpei's eyebrows knit together. He was determined to help his teammates out of the situation he felt he had caused.

Dr. Nambu's voice took on that fatherly tone once more." Jinpei, I don't think it is wise for you or Neil to go back to that island. Lay low until we hear from Ken."

Jinpei pouted. "But, Hakase..."

"Don't argue with me, Jinpei! We lost you once, and we can't afford for you to go missing again! Stay put, and that's an order!" Jinpei heard a loud click as the doctor ended the conversation.

"So what are we going to do now? Dr. Nambu ordered us to stay here." Neil leaned up against the wall and crossed his arms in a "Joe-like" fashion.

"We're going! The team needs us!"

"What do you mean, Jinpei? You were given orders."

"You don't know me very well, do you, Bro?" Jinpei gave an impish grin. "Come on, follow me."


Two Galactor guards stood before Berg Katse, with the limp Science Ninja Team members in tow.

"Excellent work, men. Now I not only have the Condor and the Owl, but my collection is nearly complete with the mighty Eagle, and the Swan!" The masked villain cackled with glee as he looked at the seemingly lifeless bodies.

The two minions traded questioning glances.

Katse continued on as he poured himself a glass of red wine. "Yes, those darts are the perfect weapon against those pesky birds. Why didn't I think of it before? I only wish that it had been poison in those darts."

He paused and regarded the burgundy liquid swirling around in his glass. "Ah, well, killing them gives me something to look forward to, and I can get that annoying little Swallow to come to me in the meantime."

Katse lifted his glass once more and gave a final order before sipping his wine.

"Lock them up with the others!" He waved his hand as if to push his minions out of the room, leaving him to relax in peace and bask in his victory alone.


"Jinpei, what are you doing?" Neil followed the young ninja into the garage.

"Correction, Bro, what are we doing. We're going to BC island." Jinpei hopped into his buggy and transformed into birdstyle.

"Get in!" He yelled out to his companion.

"But we're not supposed to..."

"Listen, Aniki, you're with a descendent of the Igo ninjas! You'll be safe with me! We'll get in and get the team out before Hakase even knows we're gone! Trust me!"

Neil saw Jinpei's roguish smile from under his visor as he started the engine. I guess I'd better trust him this time...after all, he did get me out of a bind... and Jun needs us.

"Ok, Jinpei." Neil sighed in resignation. "Let's go find our sister!"


Ken's temples throbbed as he felt himself being shackled to a wall. As his eyes began to focus, he scanned around for Jun. She was hanging next to him and her eyes were closed, but she was beginning to move around.

The dark walls were covered in mold, and drops of water leaked from the ceiling. They formed small puddles on the floor, which glistened in the torchlight.

"You'll be quite cozy down here!" One of the guards hissed. "There are plenty of rats to keep you company!"

The men chuckled to themselves as they left the dungeon.

After the goons departed, all he could hear were the drops of liquid echoing as they splashed into the puddles on the floor.

A familiar voice broke the silence. "Darts, huh?"

Ken looked further down the wall, and his heart sunk when he saw who the voice belonged to.

"Joe! What are you doing here?"

"We just enjoy visiting damp, dark Galactor prisons...same as you!" Ryu's voice echoed from behind Joe.


"Damned night vision goggles! You'd think Dr. Nambu would've thought to give us those by now!" Ryu spat. "Just wait till I get my hands on Katse!"

"Down boy, you don't look so tough chained to the wall like this." Joe shook his head. "Anyway, it's your fault we're in this mess!"

"My fault?" Ryu's voice grew louder as the Condor antagonized him further.

"Yeah, if you would've watched where you were going..."

"Who the hell puts trash cans in the middle of an alley?" Ryu retorted.

"That's enough, you two!" Ken ordered. "We need to focus on getting out of here!"

A moan echoed from his right side. "Get out, Ken! Go!"

"Jun! It's me. I'm's Ken!"

The Swan's head slowly rose as she stared at the torchlight. "So dizzy!"

"It's going to be ok, Jun. We're all ok..."

"Yeah...all Galactor prisoners, about to put to death, but we're ok!" Joe added sarcastically.

"Shut up, Joe!" Ken hissed.

He turned back to Jun, who finally lifted her head and gave a weak smile. "I'm ok, Ken." She reassured him.

"Ken, you never cease to amaze me. All ok, huh? I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty uncomfortable...and I could use a few burgers right now." Ryu grumbled, and then gave a deep sigh. "So, ah, Ken, how are we going to get out of here?"

"Let me think." Ken's eyebrows knit together. He felt it was up to him to get his teammates out of trouble.

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