G-Force: GOS
Other Results: 6 Challenges, 7 Series
Summary: The ants go marching one by one. Hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching one by one. Hurrah, hurrah!The ants go marching one by one,The little one stops to have some fun,And they all go marching down beneath the earth. 

Yes, it’s that ep.

Categories: G-Force: GOS
Series: Episode reviews, Guardians of Space
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Ace Goodheart, Aggie/Agatha June, Computor, Dirk Daring, Dr. Brighthead, Galactor (i.e. Katse), Hootie/ Hoot Owl, Peewee, Phoenix/God Phoenix
Genre: Episode Review
Story Warnings: Death, Mild Violence, Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 4489 - Read Count: 3544 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/20/2010 - Published: 06/18/2010
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Summary: Two astronauts, a big green sub, and an Eagle backed up by a Swallow.
Categories: G-Force: GOS
Series: Episode reviews, Guardians of Space
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Ace Goodheart, Aggie/Agatha June, Computor, Dirk Daring, Dr. Brighthead, Galactor (i.e. Katse), Goon, Hootie/ Hoot Owl, Other Canon Character, Peewee, Phoenix/God Phoenix
Genre: Episode Review
Story Warnings: Death, Mild Violence, Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 3533 - Read Count: 3786 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/09/2010 - Published: 06/09/2010
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Pt one of the GoS Cuttlefish/Squid mech ep with BotP ep notes

Categories: Battle of the Planets, G-Force: GOS
Series: Episode reviews, Guardians of Space
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Ace Goodheart, Aggie/Agatha June, Chief Anderson, Computor, Dirk Daring, Dr. Brighthead, Galactor (i.e. Katse), Goon, Great Spirit, Hootie/ Hoot Owl, Jason, Keyop, Mala/S-9, Mark, Other Canon Character, Peewee, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Princess, Tiny Harper, Zoltar
Genre: Episode Review
Story Warnings: Violence
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Canon
Word count: 2240 - Read Count: 3634 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/14/2008 - Published: 08/14/2008
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Summary: Pt two GoS Cuttlefish/Squid mech ep Pt 2 with BotP notes
Categories: Battle of the Planets, G-Force: GOS
Series: Episode reviews, Guardians of Space
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Ace Goodheart, Aggie/Agatha June, Chief Anderson, Computor, Dirk Daring, Dr. Brighthead, Galactor (i.e. Katse), Goon, Great Spirit, Hootie/ Hoot Owl, Jason, Keyop, Mala/S-9, Mark, Other Canon Character, Peewee, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Princess, Tiny Harper, Zoltar
Genre: Episode Review
Story Warnings: Violence
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Canon
Word count: 3477 - Read Count: 3838 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/14/2008 - Published: 08/14/2008
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A big Blue Hawk and three little Red jets.

Categories: G-Force: GOS
Series: Episode reviews, Guardians of Space
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Ace Goodheart, Aggie/Agatha June, Computor, Dirk Daring, Dr. Brighthead, Galactor (i.e. Katse), Goon, Hootie/ Hoot Owl, Other Canon Character, Peewee, Phoenix/God Phoenix
Genre: Episode Review
Story Warnings: Death, Mild Violence, Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 3336 - Read Count: 3345 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/26/2010 - Published: 06/26/2010
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Summary: A turtle/stegosaur mech and a lot of firsts.
Categories: G-Force: GOS
Series: Episode reviews, Guardians of Space
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Ace Goodheart, Aggie/Agatha June, Computor, Devil Star/Galaxy Girl, Dirk Daring, Dr. Brighthead, Galactor (i.e. Katse), Goon, Hootie/ Hoot Owl, Other Canon Character, Peewee, Phoenix/God Phoenix
Genre: Episode Review
Story Warnings: Death, Mild Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 4563 - Read Count: 3563 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/02/2010 - Published: 05/31/2010
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Summary: Remember the BotP/GoS episode with the transcontinental monorail? I try to turn it into a disaster before the train derails!
Categories: Battle of the Planets, G-Force: GOS
Series: ElectricWhite's Episode Rewrites
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: 7-Zark-7/1-Rover-1/Susan, Ace Goodheart, Aggie/Agatha June, Devil Star/Galaxy Girl, Dirk Daring, Dr. Brighthead, Goon, Hootie/ Hoot Owl, Original Character, Other Crossover Character, Peewee
Genre: Humor/Comedy, Parody
Story Warnings: Death, Mild Language
Timeframe: Episode Rewrite
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 6431 - Read Count: 3157 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 10/30/2011 - Published: 10/30/2011
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Summary: GoS version of Galaxy/Devil Star assassination attempt on Chief/Dr. with BotP notes. Notable for traveling on that train and G-2 getting left behind.
Categories: Battle of the Planets, G-Force: GOS
Series: Episode reviews, Guardians of Space
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Great Spirit
Genre: Episode Review
Story Warnings: Violence
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Canon
Word count: 1945 - Read Count: 3959 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/14/2008 - Published: 08/14/2008
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GoS ep review  of the ep known in BotP as "Demons of the Desert". (With notes on the Botp ep for comparison.)

Categories: Battle of the Planets, G-Force: GOS
Series: Episode reviews, Guardians of Space
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Ace Goodheart, Aggie/Agatha June, Chief Anderson, Dirk Daring, Dr. Brighthead, Galactor (i.e. Katse), Hootie/ Hoot Owl, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Other Canon Character, Peewee, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Princess, Tiny Harper, Zoltar
Genre: Episode Review
Story Warnings: Mild Violence
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Canon
Word count: 4286 - Read Count: 3356 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/14/2008 - Published: 08/14/2008
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