Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Other Results: 26 Series
Summary: As it says on the tin, each of my weekly prompt submissions for Gatchamania's 2012 Bradbury's jar prompts!
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Bradbury's Jar
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Original Character, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Angst, General, Humor/Comedy, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Mild Violence, Sexual Situations
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 7014 - Read Count: 4484 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 01/02/2013 - Published: 01/02/2013
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- A Binding Promise by KT1972 - Rated: Adult - - starstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]
Table of Contents
Summary: A face from Joe’s past threatens his relationship with Jun. Who is she and why won’t she leave him in peace?

Another instalment in my “Three’s Company” series.
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Three's Company
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Devil Star/Galaxy Girl, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Tragedy
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Blood, Guts & Gore, Death, Drug References, Explicit Material, Mature Content, Sexual Dialogue, Sexual Situations, Strong Language, Torture, Violence
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 5448 - Read Count: 170 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 05/05/2012 - Published: 05/05/2012
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Summary: Having come so close to death, Joe is having a difficult time coming to grips with his new life.
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Mild Language
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 12254 - Read Count: 4209 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/08/2013 - Published: 12/08/2013
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Summary: Joe has finally set up Ken and Jun, so why does he regret it?
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: A Night to Remember
Chapters: 3 - Table of Contents
Characters: Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Tragedy
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Death, Mature Content, Sexual Dialogue, Sexual Situations, Strong Language, Violence
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Canon
Word count: 24109 - Read Count: 642 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/05/2011 - Published: 08/04/2011
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Summary: Ken overhears something that greatly hurts his feelings. Can the holiday that is supposed to bring joy and cheer be salvaged? Or have the others permanetly ruined Christmas for him?
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Ken Washio
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: None
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 3291 - Read Count: 3515 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 01/02/2013 - Published: 01/02/2013
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Summary: Sequel to Forbidden Fruit. Now that the war is over, Ken and Jun can be together... or can they?
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Eden
Chapters: 6 - Table of Contents
Characters: Jun, Ken Washio
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Death, Erotica, Mature Content, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Sexual Dialogue, Sexual Situations
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Canon
Word count: 8095 - Read Count: 33430 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 04/30/2010 - Published: 04/29/2010
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Summary: As Mark and Princess wait for deth in the Research Centre, they finally discuss their feelings for each other and decide to act on them before they die.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Mark, Princess
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Mild Adult Situations, Mild Sexual References, Sexual Situations
Timeframe: Mid-Series, Sequel
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 3798 - Read Count: 4805 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 04/11/2010 - Published: 04/11/2010
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Summary: Young Mark and Jason go off alone in the woods, with terrible consequences.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Jason, Mark
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: Drug Use, None
Timeframe: Prequel
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 2264 - Read Count: 4956 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 05/24/2007 - Published: 05/24/2007
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- After Jasmine by jublke - Rated: 8+ - - starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 10]
Table of Contents
Summary: It's been five weeks since the birth of Jason's second daughter and he's feeling overwhelmed.  How does he deal with the stress of parenthood?  Back by popular request, this fic contains two wonderful images from Springie.  
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: The Heart Has Its Reasons ...
Chapters: 3 - Table of Contents
Characters: 7-Zark-7/1-Rover-1/Susan, Chief Anderson, Jason, Mary Sue, Original Character, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Humor/Comedy, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Vignette
Story Warnings: Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Alternate Universe
Word count: 3627 - Read Count: 15586 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/21/2011 - Published: 06/21/2011
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- After Koji by Springie - Rated: 13+ - - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]
Table of Contents

Jun has just killed her beloved friend Koji with a bird missle. How will her teammates help her get over this tragedy?


Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 13 - Table of Contents
Characters: Berg Katse, Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Word count: 9367 - Read Count: 70411 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 05/14/2007 - Published: 05/14/2007
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When Joe chases down a pickpocket, he gets a surprise -and a chance to save the Eagle from leukemia.

Little does the KNT know what changes await them.

Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Eagle's Cousin: Gatchaman
Chapters: 25 - Table of Contents
Characters: Goon, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Original Character, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Epic, Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Mature Content, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Timeframe: Other, Sequel
Universe: Alternate Universe, Tenuously Canon
Word count: 26345 - Read Count: 125780 - Completed: No
Updated: 06/22/2010 - Published: 10/24/2008
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Summary: Galaxy Security thought Spectra was the worst of its worries. They were horribly wrong. A cross-over with TNT's Falling Skies.
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 8 - Table of Contents
Characters: Phoenix/God Phoenix
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Tragedy
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Death, Graphic Violence, Mature Content, Sexual Situations, Torture, Violence
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Cross-Over
Word count: 21741 - Read Count: 33423 - Completed: No
Updated: 02/07/2016 - Published: 07/22/2013
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- Babies by ElectricWhite - Rated: 18+ - - [Reviews - 1]
Table of Contents
Summary: What connection could Galactor have with the disappearance of schoolgirls?
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Original Character, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Angst, Drama, General, Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Mature Content, Mild Language
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Alternate Universe
Word count: 3547 - Read Count: 2967 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 02/08/2015 - Published: 02/07/2015
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For five years, the Beloved have guarded Zoltar, however now things have changed.  Why have these other people started to emerge, and is it related to Before?

Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 15 - Table of Contents
Characters: Chief Anderson, Don Wade, Goon, Great Spirit, Jason, Keyop, Mala/S-9, Mark, Original Character, Other Canon Character, Princess, Zoltar
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Death, Mature Content, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Mild Violence, Sexual Dialogue, Sexual Situations, Strong Language, Torture, Violence
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Word count: 39840 - Read Count: 103424 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/02/2010 - Published: 06/02/2010
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Summary: Despite objections, Ken accepts a mission to go undercover in a prison environment with Ryu.
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 3 - Table of Contents
Characters: Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Original Character, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Slash
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Erotica, Explicit Material, Mature Content, Sexual Dialogue, Sexual Situations, Slash, Yaoi
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Word count: 22325 - Read Count: 1091 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 02/07/2008 - Published: 02/07/2008
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Jun runs into an old friend from the orphanage when she rescues the team from Galactor's clutches. Who is he? And why is he making Ken jealous?



Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 32 - Table of Contents
Characters: Berg Katse, Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Goon, Jinpei, Jun, Ken Washio, Original Character, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Ryu Nakanishi, Sosai X
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Mature Content, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 25601 - Read Count: 156103 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 05/16/2007 - Published: 05/16/2007
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- Breaking Out by Springie - Rated: Adult - - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 11]
Table of Contents

A/N: This may very well be my "Swan Song" (*grin*) last full length fic. You may be able to tell by my excessive drawing, but I just don't seem to enjoy fic writing the way I used to. Hope you enjoy this one- my only Joe/ Jun fic...also known as my excuse to get the two of them in bed together. (*evil grin*) Special thanks to Transmute Jun, Clouddancer, Gatch Girl, Ebonyswanne and Hinotori for betaing/ previewing for me! *hugs, girls*


A day at the race track goes very wrong, and Joe and Jun end up trapped together at one of Galactor's bases. This situation allows the two of them to get a lot "closer"...but will they ever escape?


***This story has pictures and screenshots embedded throughout.

Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 22 - Table of Contents
Characters: Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Goon, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Original Character, Other Canon Character, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Tragedy
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Death, Explicit Material, Mature Content, Sexual Dialogue, Sexual Situations, Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Word count: 19325 - Read Count: 5240 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/29/2009 - Published: 08/24/2009
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Summary: Ken has been one who doesn't understand the concept of love. Most of the time he has been picked on for it. But why is it that such a concept eludes him? Memories of his childhood have the answer to such a question.
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Ken Washio
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 3802 - Read Count: 2850 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 07/15/2012 - Published: 07/14/2012
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Summary:  Mark and Princess have some curiosity to satisfy, Jason’s willing.  But when other complications arise, how will this affect their working relationship?  And what is the secret that has affected Mark’s sexual desires so much?

Written for SJ_SwanJun.  You wanted some Mark/Princess/Jason action – sweetie, you got it!  Also dedicated to Ninja-Sam, who made the comment about Mark, his and Princess’ arse and the finding of same
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 28 - Table of Contents
Characters: Chief Anderson, Colonel Cronus, Jason, Keyop, Mala/S-9, Mark, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Slash
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Erotica, Explicit Material, Mature Content, Sexual Dialogue, Sexual Situations, Slash, Strong Language, Torture, Violence, Yaoi, Yuri
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Word count: 41727 - Read Count: 4970 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 04/01/2010 - Published: 04/01/2010
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- Burdens by TransmuteJun - Rated: 13+ - - [Reviews - 1]
Table of Contents

Joe has trouble dealing with the way his cybernetic nature isolates him from the rest of the team... especially Jun.


“Things are different, now.”

“I know.” Ryu groaned. “But why does it have to be such a big deal? We’re all fine with it. Why aren’t you?”

He meant well, but he didn’t understand. How could he? Ryu could never comprehend the emotional agony gripping its cold fingers around my heart each day.

I didn’t want to get into this right now, and certainly not with Ryu. He was terrible at keeping secrets.

“I think I’ll go back to help Ken.” I said.

“If you want to work on some boring, old reports, instead of having fun, then you really have changed, Joe.” Ryu said. “It’s like you want to distance yourself from us; like you want to be miserable.”

He had a point. I did want to distance myself. But didn’t want to make myself miserable. I just was miserable. It was more of an undesired side effect to life, rather than something I had consciously chosen.


Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 15 - Table of Contents
Characters: Gel Sadra, Goon, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Ryu Nakanishi, Sosai X
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Mild Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 34952 - Read Count: 79407 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/04/2007 - Published: 06/04/2007
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- Caldera Madre by jublke - Rated: 13+ - - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 19]
Table of Contents
Summary: Mark must come to terms with his past, and his team has to deal with the repercussions of his secret.  (Note: This story is unfinished.)
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: Fall and Rise of the Condor
Chapters: 19 - Table of Contents
Characters: Chief Anderson, Colonel Cronus, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Original Character, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Strong Language
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Alternate Universe
Word count: 20509 - Read Count: 85708 - Completed: No
Updated: 03/16/2023 - Published: 11/26/2012
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- Coming Home by Madilayn - Rated: Adult - - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 1]
Table of Contents
Summary: Set in the OAV-verse.  After they destroy Galactor, there's a good reason that Joe's been avoiding Jun.
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: None
Chapters: 4 - Table of Contents
Characters: Joe Asakura, Jun
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Erotica, Explicit Material, Mature Content, Sexual Dialogue, Sexual Situations
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Word count: 5715 - Read Count: 1394 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 10/06/2007 - Published: 10/06/2007
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- Crashed by jublke - Rated: 13+ - - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]
Table of Contents
Summary: Mark and Jason have crash-landed on the planet Aroica. Difficult circumstances lead to unexpected revelations. (Please note: M/M pairing)
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 6 - Table of Contents
Characters: Jason, Mark
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Mild Adult Situations, Slash
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Alternate Universe
Word count: 3467 - Read Count: 24838 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 01/02/2015 - Published: 01/02/2015
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- Daddy's Girl by KT1972, K2p2 - Rated: 18+ - - starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 5]
Table of Contents
Summary: Part 3 in the Three's Company saga, seen from Jun's POV.
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Three's Company
Chapters: 2 - Table of Contents
Characters: Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Explicit Material, Mature Content, Sexual Situations
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 5316 - Read Count: 8629 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 04/01/2012 - Published: 04/01/2012
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Summary: Joe gets tired of seeing how Ken treats Jun, and decides to do something about it. This results in a chain of events that none of them could have anticipated.


“What are you doing, Ken?” asked Jun.

“I should ask you the same thing.” Ken replied bitterly, “What are you doing with him?” He cast a sneer in Joe’s direction. Joe only glared in response.

Jun’s face flushed in anger. “Why shouldn’t I? What’s wrong with me being here, with Joe?”

Ken searched for words. “Because…. you’re not supposed to be in love with Joe!”

Jun’s voice rose to a fever pitch. “Oh really? Because I’m supposed to be in love with you? Is that a perk of being G-1? Well Ken,” she stood up and looked him directly in the eye, “what if you don’t deserve it?”

Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Origins
Chapters: 7 - Table of Contents
Characters: Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Mature Content, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Sexual Situations
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 19651 - Read Count: 38722 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 05/15/2007 - Published: 05/15/2007
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