Reviews For Forbidden Fruit
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Reviewer: gatchamarie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2010 12:01 PM Title: Forbidden Fruit

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Reviewer: gatchamarie Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2010 12:00 PM Title: Forbidden Fruit

Just beautiful!  Ken's heart and body aches are almost tangible!  Such a perfect way to describe what keeps him from revealing his love to Jun and his emotions and reactions thereto.  I've always shared this same perspective to justify Ken's attitude towards Jun and I'm so glad you described this aspect with such a skill!  Really touching!

Author's Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I've always found this kind of angst and longing to be incredibly romantic... and knowing that they both have those feelings only adds to it for me... ;-)

Reviewer: lborgia88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/10/2010 9:01 PM Title: Forbidden Fruit

I think Ken best embodies the tension between love and duty, between being human and a superhero –and you present it so movingly here.

Author's Response: I'm honored that you think so! But yes, Ken is definitely the one whose emotional development is the most stunted and repressed. It makes sense that he'd deal with his feelings in this way.

Reviewer: Becky Rock Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/09/2010 6:03 PM Title: Forbidden Fruit

Lovely TJ. Forbidden Fruit was an excellent name. To want someone and not be able to have them...I feel for Ken.

Author's Response: I feel for Ken too... and of course, this completely explains his ambivalence to her in canon.... *grin*

Reviewer: Madilayn Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/09/2010 5:03 AM Title: Forbidden Fruit

Oh TJ!!  Beautiful!!!  You've caught the thoughts of a young man in love but who feels he cannot allow himself to be.  There's such a hushed yearning feel to this whole peace that just makes me go all gooey!!

Author's Response: That was what I was thinking too... the angst of his wanting her, and her wanting him, but neither of them able to act on that... and then Ken, who holds duty above all else, skirting that dangerous line by being there at all... that in itself speaks volumes as to her feelings.

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