Reviews For Family Ties
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Reviewer: Clouddancer Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2011 6:39 PM Title: Epilogue

It is nice to see you write something from Keyop's point of view.  I know he is not a character you usually enjoy writing from but you did a great job.

I love seeing how you feel each teammember moved on since the war.  Although it is sad that they had to come together for such a sad event, your ending brought some cheer to Keyop's future as well.

Author's Response: I know it sounds harsh, but eventually the Chief will die... and I would hope that the members of the G0Force Team would be alive to attend such an event. Of course, I had the Chief dying at a relatively young age, but it seemed like a good way to bring the Team together again, especially after they had grown apart so much. 

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