Date: 06/03/2015 11:09 AM Title: Chapter 1
I've enjoyed what you have so far. I'm looking forward to reading more. PS: In this story, you kind of validated something I thought about Princess if I take the actual show and how she is portrayed on it at face value. :)
Author's Response: This fic has a history some of you who are newer members don't know, MS. Let's just say I had to have an antagonist for BJ. I'd love tp post more but the site will no longer allow me. I'm glad you're enjoyng it.
Date: 01/25/2012 5:28 PM Title: Chapter 1
I'm liking this story more and more, Becky! Will Jason give BJ more of his background? It really made me go "gulp!" when he said "I was like you
Author's Response:
Hi Daniella. There will be more about Jason's background. I'm glad you're enjoyig this.
Date: 01/11/2012 1:53 AM Title: Chapter 2
Oooh, I can see BJ developing a crush shortly after this talk, if not during the talk.
Author's Response: Right now she's scared. She's never been caught before and Jason can very intimidating when he needs to be.
Date: 01/09/2012 5:29 PM Title: Chapter 2
I loved this chapter for a personal reason: it's the first time I see something Greek mentioned in BoTP/Gatch fic (or any other fic for that matter)! Thank you! And if Greek food cures Jason's headache, I know what I will do next time I get one!
Author's Response: Daniella, I take it then you are Greek? I've not had the priviledge of visiting Greece but my husband did and he really liked it. But I do like Greek food. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.
Date: 12/29/2011 2:46 PM Title: Chapter 1
Interesting premise -- I'm looking forward to reading how they joined the team!
Author's Response: Thanks Daniella. It wil be slow coming at first. Got to catch up to what I had previously posted that has to be rewritten.
Date: 12/28/2011 11:10 PM Title: Chapter 1
Yes! You're posting again.
Author's Response: There's a lot to tell. This gives me a chance to really tell the story. More to come.