Reviews For Daddy's Girl
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Reviewer: Ebonyswanne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2017 3:17 AM Title: Chapter 2

I read this more as different views than a real conclusion. Joe and Jun still have a lot to workout even then they might not end up together. A child doesn't guarantee a relationship working. Joe was in some ways the alternative. A lot can be taken from it. Well done both of you. ;)

Reviewer: rebe Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2015 4:13 PM Title: Chapter 2

divinamente  me encanto  es una historia fabulosa  muy bien esplicada y nararrada  me centre totalmente en la historia gracias por tan magnifica lectura   <3 <3 <3 


Author's Response: Thank you for reading and your great review :) I'm so pleased you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: TransmuteJun Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/11/2012 4:02 PM Title: Chapter 2

It's good to see that Jun has to face the repercussions of her wanton behavior. This whole thing with Joe was extremely unfair to both Joe and Ken, and now she's seeing what it has done. It makes sense that Ken would be unable to live with the knowledge that she was with Joe.

At the same time, I am glad that Jun is able to make a fresh start with Joe, and hope that they will be happy.

As for the Team continuing to work together... Jun was presumably absent for a good portion of her pregnancy, so there would be rough spots anyway as she was reintegrated. 

Author's Response: I'd like to think they will work thinks out eventually. these things are not without consequenses though, and it's been fun to explore how those consequenses panned out.

Reviewer: Becky Rock Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2012 8:06 PM Title: Chapter 2

This is a great ending to the trilogy. I've really enjoyed this series.

Author's Response: Ending?  Perhaps of this aspect of the tale, but there is another aspect that we have yet to hear from. Growing up is never easy, but it comes to us all, in time.  Just some characters carry their secrets closer to their hearts than others...

Reviewer: Chris White Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2012 8:45 PM Title: Chapter 2

I like how this one has played out. As nice as the whole Ken + Jun = true love thing is, the reality is that a massive first crush (on her part) doesn't often see reality, and Ken is pretty much shoved at her and told he has to like her because she likes him so much. Then with the two of them having no experience, and him wanting to please her by allowing the dare and situation (and not wanting to admit to insecurity, being Gatchaman) ... they were destined for trouble.

And thanks for not having everyone agree that her infidelity is Ken's fault. (It's hard being an Eagle fan surrounded by Condor fans, hehe, though I'm almost equally a Condor fan.) Frankly, if I were Joe, I'd be nervous that the next time they fought and she felt insecure and she was alone with Ken, she might try to seduce him. It's not a flattering pattern of hers, but it's very human. That's what makes a good story. :)

Author's Response: Thank you for your review. :) I think you have summed up the situation pretty well, and you have raised a valid point about Ken. I see him as the victim in all this. As for what happens next, who knows? The future has not yet been written!!

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