Reviews For Reaffirmation
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Reviewer: StarDuchess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2015 10:15 AM Title: Chapter 1

Nice little piece of what happens after the battle. I'm glad you focused on Jun, as I think she's the member with the most empathy.

I would love to podfic this to include in the Awesome Ladies of Fandom Anthology. Please let me know if you give permission or not. Kudos!

Author's Response: Hi, StarDutchess--I hope you see my reply; I know it's been almost a decade and I apologize, it's been a long slog for me with periods where I had to be on a hiatus of sorts. Thank you so much for your review and recommendation. If you still compile the anthology, I'd be honored. Thank you so much.

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