Date: 09/14/2011 11:58 PM Title: Comparison Chart
Hey Julieann! This is so very helpful. The G-5 vehicle and main vehicle (series 1) for Eagle Riders is the Ultra Eagle 1 (God Phoenix/Phoenix to the rest of them). It was mentioned in one ep. I figured this would be the easiest way to help with an update.
Nice chart!!! :)
Date: 06/27/2011 3:17 AM Title: Comparison Chart
This helps a lot. Thanks.
Date: 11/20/2009 8:52 PM Title: Comparison Chart
I think the all-female unit is only considered 'Galaxy Girls' because that's the episode title. Since they're never seen again on BotP, that's a subject for considerable debate. (Although their ship is still called the Devilstar.)
Date: 05/23/2008 9:55 PM Title: Comparison Chart
Have you tried making the columns in the latest version of Microsoft Word?