Reviews For Psychological Writeup for Joe
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Reviewer: Ebonyswanne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/25/2017 9:44 AM Title: Intake Writeup

So the final assessment is he should be in a psyc ward. Medicated on anti-psychotics and a few other drugs. He wss messed up poor Joe. Some how he cared. Goes to show how complex humans are. 

Reviewer: UnpublishedWriter Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/22/2012 6:04 PM Title: Intake Writeup

Interesting write-up. Nice to see you aren't buying into the 'problems caused by shrapnel' that people have presumed.

Can we see write-ups for other regular characters?

Reviewer: Candi Gomez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/30/2010 7:42 PM Title: Intake Writeup

I like this. It's great, it's thorough, and there's an explanation of med terms. (It's been YEARS since I took my Health Unit Coordinator class.)

I find 'moronic treatment method' explained as 'experimental' particularly bone-tickling. :D

Are we going to see more of these? Maybe one for Katze? ;p 


PS I like your pictures over in the art section.

Reviewer: TransmuteJun Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/27/2007 12:24 PM Title: Intake Writeup

Very interesting... I'm not going to claim to understand all of it (mostly the medical terms at the end) but I love the way you've incorporated his personality issues and events from canon into this. It is by far the most complete character presentation I've ever seen of Joe.

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