Reviews For Don't You Dare
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Reviewer: jublke Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/03/2011 1:08 AM Title: Jun

I really enjoyed this.  Everyone is very much in character and the story flows smoothly.  Nicely done!

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. Springie always inspires such great stories with her art!

Reviewer: Madilayn Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/10/2010 11:17 PM Title: Joe

Revenge can be a bitch!!  Great to see the Condor get his girl!  This might just work - in the great tradition of Condor girlfriends, she's tried to injure him - at least he knows that she's not a Galactor agent!

Author's Response: You can just thanks Springie... her picture inspired it all!

Reviewer: Green Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/18/2010 8:32 AM Title: Jun

Uh huh - there are times when I swear you're a Condor, TJ! You portray him exactly as I, and no doubt so many other Condors, see him!

Author's Response: Well, I'm a Swannie at heart, but I certainly have no problem writing about the Condor... he holds an attraction for me... ;-)

Reviewer: lborgia88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/20/2008 4:11 PM Title: Jun

Okay, I'm an idiot -the first time I read this I somehow didn't see that there was a second chapter!

Now I have to really say "aaaw"; It's so nice to see that it worked out better for Joe than he realized.

Author's Response: LOL, why am I not surprised that you would think that? ;-)  It's so much fun writing the Condor as being a misunderstood loner. And then my poor heart aches to comfort him. And of course, the best person to do *that* is the Swan.... :-D

Reviewer: gogirl212 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/20/2008 1:58 AM Title: Joe

The Dynamic Duo are at it again.  I loved the pic too but had a hard time coming up with a scenario to fit it . . .you did a marvelous job of creating a compelling tale. You are really becoming a master of the twists and turns.

Author's Response: Well, I don't know about twists and turns. I just wondered what Joe could have done to make Jun so angry with him... and it grew from there. ;-)

Reviewer: lborgia88 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/19/2008 9:30 PM Title: Jun

Aaw, why do I get the feeling Joe just wanted to get Jun's attention (albeit not exactly in the best way)?  I'm having fun, though, trying to imagine how Jun will explain to Ken why she was about to "yoyo strike" Joe!

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