Origins by TransmuteJun
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Summary: These are a series of (mostly) disconnected stories that occur within the same AU. Many of the fics deal directly with the origins/pre-Gatchaman I lives of major canon characters.
Categories: Gatchaman
Characters: Berg Katse, Goon, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Original Character, Other Canon Character, Ryu Nakanishi, Sosai X
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Character Study, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Vignette
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Blood, Guts & Gore, Death, Mature Content, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Mild Violence, Sexual Dialogue, Sexual Situations, Strong Language, Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series, Prequel
Universe: Alternate Universe
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 6
Series Type: Closed


A boy struggles with life at school. How will this impact the man he is destined to become?


A voice in his head told him that he shouldn’t have to be subjected to this. That he was a valuable person in his own right, and deserved better. The boy had no idea whose voice it was. Maybe something from his barely remembered father? He had scoffed at the words at first, but the more he suffered, the more he listened. They offered him a way out, a salvation. So tonight, he had decided to fight back.

He was hiding.


Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Origins
Chapters: 6 - Table of Contents
Characters: Other Canon Character
Genre: Character Study
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Violence, Sexual Situations
Timeframe: Prequel
Universe: Canon
Word count: 4565 - Read Count: 30026 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 05/15/2007 - Published: 05/14/2007
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Summary: Not all foes boldly declare themselves. The past is explored, through two entirely different points of view...
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Origins, The Ties That Bind
Chapters: 12 - Table of Contents
Characters: Berg Katse, Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Goon, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Kentaro/Red Impulse, Original Character, Other Canon Character, Ryu Nakanishi, Sosai X
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Character Study, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: Blood, Guts & Gore, Crude Humor, Death, Graphic Violence, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Mild Violence, Sexual Dialogue, Strong Language, Violence
Timeframe: Prequel
Universe: Canon
Word count: 31716 - Read Count: 50569 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 07/20/2009 - Published: 07/16/2009
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Summary: This is Part II in my three part Ties That Bind Series. Now that the Science Ninja Team has been activated, can Red Impulse continue to stay true to his other allegiances?
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Origins, The Ties That Bind
Chapters: 16 - Table of Contents
Characters: Berg Katse, Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Goon, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Kentaro/Red Impulse, Other Canon Character, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Ryu Nakanishi, Sosai X
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Character Study, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: Blood, Guts & Gore, Mature Content, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Mild Violence, Strong Language, Suicide, Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 63376 - Read Count: 67129 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/09/2009 - Published: 08/31/2009
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What's it like to be a Galactor goon?


His body was rigid, standing stiffly, ready to bow at a strict forty-five degree angle when their Sire passed by. He could hear every word Lord Katse uttered.

“Hmmm… this looks like shoddy workmanship.” the Galactor Leader was saying. “How am I supposed to deliver these mecha on Leader X’s schedule when I have such incompetents working for me?”

The purple cape approached, and he made the requisite bow, a formal greeting of “Sire” passing his lips at the exact moment the Galactor Overlord passed by. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his fellow squad members doing the same. No one wanted to catch Lord Katse’s attention. The concept of anonymity among the ranks had never been so appealing, as it was now.


Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Origins
Chapters: 15 - Table of Contents
Characters: Berg Katse, Goon, Jinpei, Jun, Original Character
Genre: Action/Adventure, Character Study, Drama
Story Warnings: Blood, Guts & Gore, Death, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Mild Violence, Strong Language
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 23298 - Read Count: 65304 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 07/12/2007 - Published: 07/11/2007
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Summary: This is Part III in my three part Ties That Bind Series. Now that Red Impulse is gone, can Ken finally shake his father's shadow?
Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Origins, The Ties That Bind
Chapters: 18 - Table of Contents
Characters: Berg Katse, Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Goon, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Kentaro/Red Impulse, Original Character, Other Canon Character, Phoenix/God Phoenix, Ryu Nakanishi, Sosai X
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Character Study, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Tragedy
Story Warnings: Blood, Guts & Gore, Death, Drug References, Graphic Violence, Mature Content, Mild Language, Mild Violence, Strong Language, Torture, Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 48302 - Read Count: 79996 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/30/2009 - Published: 09/22/2009
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Summary: Joe gets tired of seeing how Ken treats Jun, and decides to do something about it. This results in a chain of events that none of them could have anticipated.


“What are you doing, Ken?” asked Jun.

“I should ask you the same thing.” Ken replied bitterly, “What are you doing with him?” He cast a sneer in Joe’s direction. Joe only glared in response.

Jun’s face flushed in anger. “Why shouldn’t I? What’s wrong with me being here, with Joe?”

Ken searched for words. “Because…. you’re not supposed to be in love with Joe!”

Jun’s voice rose to a fever pitch. “Oh really? Because I’m supposed to be in love with you? Is that a perk of being G-1? Well Ken,” she stood up and looked him directly in the eye, “what if you don’t deserve it?”

Categories: Gatchaman
Series: Origins
Chapters: 7 - Table of Contents
Characters: Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Mature Content, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual References, Sexual Situations
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 19651 - Read Count: 37068 - Completed: Yes
Updated: 05/15/2007 - Published: 05/15/2007
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