Summary: This is the next story in the Eagle's cousin, series, GoS verse.
Rated: 8+
Categories: G-Force: GOS
Characters: Ace Goodheart, Aggie/Agatha June, Dirk Daring, Dr. Brighthead, Hootie/ Hoot Owl, Original Character, Peewee
Genre: General, Humor/Comedy, Hurt/Comfort
Story Warnings: Nose-Cola Warning
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Alternate Universe
Challenges: None
Series: The Eagle's cousin: GoS
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 1027
Read: 4150
Published: 05/01/2010
Updated: 05/01/2010
Story Notes:
I made the mistake (?) of watching Mr. Nanny while originally making notes for this. Try and spot the influence. :p
1. Meeting by Candi Gomez [Reviews - 1] (1027 words)