Daddy's Girl by KT1972, K2p2
[Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star - Printer
Summary: Part 3 in the Three's Company saga, seen from Jun's POV.
Rated: 18+
Categories: Gatchaman
Characters: Dr. Kozaburou Nambu, Jinpei, Joe Asakura, Jun, Ken Washio, Ryu Nakanishi
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Explicit Material, Mature Content, Sexual Situations
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Mostly Canon
Challenges: None
Series: Three's Company
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes
Word count: 5316 Read: 8645
Published: 04/01/2012 Updated: 04/01/2012

1. Chapter 1 by KT1972 [Reviews - 0] (2301 words)
We do not own the characters; we're only borrowing them and intend to return them – undamaged, as soon as we're done!

This story is for fun, not for profit.

2. Chapter 2 by KT1972 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3015 words)