Summary: Katse meets Sosai X for the first time.
Rated: 13+
Categories: Gatchaman
Characters: Berg Katse, Sosai X
Genre: Angst, Drama
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Mature Content, Mild Language
Timeframe: Prequel
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4419
Read: 3076
Published: 05/26/2007
Updated: 05/26/2007
Story Notes:
*For convenience's sake, I'm referring to money by its American equivalent,
since neither I nor probably most of the people reading this know the
conversion to marks.
since neither I nor probably most of the people reading this know the
conversion to marks.
1. First Step On The Road To Hell by Alara Rogers [Reviews - 2] (4419 words)