Poor Little Swallow by Daniel Rush
[Reviews - 1] starstarhalf-star - Printer
Summary: Poor Pee-Wee gets the measles, but he starts to have a grand old time tormenting his new roommate, Dirk, who's never had them before and gets locked in with him until he does.
Rated: 13+
Categories: G-Force: GOS
Characters: Dr. Brighthead
Genre: Action/Adventure, Humor/Comedy
Story Warnings: Mild Adult Situations, Mild Language, Mild Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Tenuously Canon
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 3123 Read: 3753
Published: 06/09/2007 Updated: 06/09/2007

1. Poor Little Swallow by Daniel Rush [Reviews - 1] starstarhalf-star (3123 words)