Summary: An old story is replayed, but this time with a different ending as a cycle of death and destruction is broken.
Rated: 13+
Categories: Gatchaman
Characters: Joe Asakura, Original Character
Genre: Action/Adventure
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Mild Language
Timeframe: Episode Rewrite
Universe: Alternate Universe
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 5402
Read: 2828
Published: 06/17/2007
Updated: 06/17/2007
Story Notes:
This was to be the kickoff story for an alternate universe in which one
minor change ends up altering the course of the war with Galactor. I never
wrote the other stories, but this piece stands on its own.
The Domino Effect:
Actions create ripples in the fabric of time. A small change, a
decision turned, can create a chain of changes, like a chain of dominoes,
falling down...
So be careful what you do. The life you save may be your own.
minor change ends up altering the course of the war with Galactor. I never
wrote the other stories, but this piece stands on its own.
The Domino Effect:
Actions create ripples in the fabric of time. A small change, a
decision turned, can create a chain of changes, like a chain of dominoes,
falling down...
So be careful what you do. The life you save may be your own.
1. Unto the Second Generation by Alara Rogers [Reviews - 1] (5402 words)