Membership status:
Let's see now: I've grown into an old Phart without becoming a Smart One. I'm still addicted to and fascinated by all things Gatch-related in all their multifarious, bizarre and often illogical detail.
Yes, I will beta read -- if I'm given strict deadlines to adhere to (if you say anytime, you will never, ever see your work again) and by previous negotiation. I'm willing to consider most things. I don't consider grammar and spelling to be the most important things to a story: they matter, but it's not the be-all and end-all of fanfic writing. And besides, that's letting writers off easy...
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: 7-Zark-7/1-Rover-1/Susan, Chief Anderson, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: Humor/Comedy
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Canon
Word count: 5335 - Read Count: 1438 - Completed: Yes
Categories: Gatchaman, Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 7 - Table of Contents
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
Story Warnings: Adult Situations, Death, Mature Content, Violence
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Cross-Over
Word count: 21614 - Read Count: 30643 - Completed: Yes
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: In Love and War
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Genre: Humor/Comedy
Story Warnings: Mild Violence
Timeframe: Mid-Series
Universe: Mostly Canon
Word count: 4656 - Read Count: 3286 - Completed: Yes
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Chief Anderson, Jason, Keyop, Mark, Princess, Tiny Harper
Genre: Humor/Comedy
Story Warnings: Nose-Cola Warning
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Canon
Word count: 2573 - Read Count: 2118 - Completed: Yes
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: None
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Mark, Princess
Genre: General
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: Sequel
Universe: Canon
Word count: 849 - Read Count: 3526 - Completed: Yes
Categories: Battle of the Planets
Series: Lucy
Chapters: 1 - Table of Contents
Characters: Mala/S-9
Genre: Vignette
Story Warnings: None
Timeframe: Other
Universe: Canon
Word count: 937 - Read Count: 2003 - Completed: Yes